Kadu Jira | Kadu Jeera | Kali Jeera | Black Cumin | Bitter Cumin | Kali Jira- 100g

Kadu Jira | Kadu Jeera | Kali Jeera | Black Cumin | Bitter Cumin | Kali Jira- 100g


Kadu Jira, also known as Wild Cumin or Kalijiri, is a spice with medicinal properties commonly used in traditional Indian medicine. Here are some key points about Kadu Jira:

  1. Botanical Name: Centratherum anthelminticum
  2. Appearance: Small, dark brown seeds similar to regular cumin but smaller and darker.
  3. Flavor Profile: Bitter taste, stronger and more pungent than regular cumin.

Health Benifits:

  1. Digestive Health: It aids digestion and helps in relieving indigestion and gas.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: Has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body.
  3. Antimicrobial: Known for its antimicrobial properties, it can help fight infections.
  4. Weight Management: Often used in traditional remedies for weight loss and managing obesity.
  5. Liver Health: Supports liver function and can help detoxify the liver.
  • Quantity
Rs.125.00 Rs.135.00
Kadu Jira | Kadu Jeera | Kali Jeera | Black Cumin | Bitter Cumin | Kali Jira
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