Neptune Spicy Prawns Pickle | Authentic Coastal Flavor, Perfect Seafood Condiment- 300g
Neptune Spicy Prawns Pickle - 300g | Authentic Coastal Flavor, Perfect Seafood Condiment

Neptune Spicy Prawns Pickle | Authentic Coastal Flavor, Perfect Seafood Condiment- 300g

 Neptune presents its delectable Prawns Pickle, meticulously crafted with juicy prawns and traditional spices. This appetizing pickle boasts a fresh and spicy blend of herbs and condiments, adding a burst of flavor to every bite. Its tangy and flavorful ingredients make it a versatile accompaniment to a variety of dishes. Made with carefully selected spices and premium quality prawns, it not only tantalizes the taste buds but also ensures a healthy indulgence. Enjoy the irresistible combination of taste and health with Neptune Prawns Pickle.
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