Good Quality Vate Huli | Lakooncha | Yesal Puli | Monkey Jack

Good Quality Vate Huli | Lakooncha | Yesal Puli | Monkey Jack


Monkey Jack, also known as Lakoocha or Monkey Jackfruit, is a tropical fruit scientifically known as Artocarpus lakoocha. It is a member of the Moraceae family, which includes other well-known fruits such as jackfruit and breadfruit. Monkey Jack is native to India and Southeast Asia, where it is cultivated for its fruit, timber, and medicinal properties.


  • Appearance: The Monkey Jack tree can grow up to 20 meters tall. The fruit itself is round to oval, with a rough, brownish-green skin that turns yellowish when ripe. Inside, the pulp is orange to yellow and surrounds several seeds.
  • Taste: The pulp of the Monkey Jack fruit has a sweet and tangy flavor, somewhat similar to a combination of jackfruit and mango.
  • Seeds: The seeds are edible once cooked and are often roasted or boiled.
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Rs.170.00 - Rs.320.00
Good Quality Vate Huli | Lakooncha | Yesal Puli | Monkey Jack
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