Gou Ganga Goutheertha Arka | Gomutra

Gou Ganga Goutheertha Arka | Gomutra

Gou Ganga Cow Urine Ark is made with distillation process using desi breed cows. Cow Urine has many benefits and helps boost immunity, improves digestion and balances vaat & kapha in your body.

Cow Urine Dosage:
  • To be taken empty stomach
  • Adult: 10ml with 20ml water
  • Child: 1ml to 5ml with 10ml water as advised by your physician
  • Cow Urine Ark is an authentic Panchagavya Medicine.
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Rs.80.00 - Rs.130.00
Gou Ganga Goutheertha Arka | Gomutra
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